6500 102nd Ave N, Pinellas Park, FL 33782, U.S Fax: 727-329-8812
6500 102nd Ave N, Pinellas Park, FL 33782, U.S Fax: 727-329-8812
We just need your basic information. Thank you for considering our school.
Next step is to fill out an application.
$500 - Enrollment fee per Family.
An additional $200 - Sports/ Art/ Activity Fee PER STUDENT
Student Media Waiver (pdf)
Let us know of your interest in CCSA by completing an Inquiry Form. Upon submission you will receive an email inviting you to schedule a tour.
Click on the New Student Application and complete the form. Each student's application is carefully considered by the administration. Admissions decisions consider the student's potential for success at CCSA and the parents' desire for a Christ-centered education for their children. After we have reviewed your completed application we will contact you to discuss next steps. The next steps includes an interview with the Admissions Director and the Head of School, Associate Head of School or the Principal and student assessment, a request for more information, or an admissions decision. Please allow up to two weeks for these steps to be completed.
Once you are accepted and notified that a seat is available, you reserve your spot by paying your non-refundable enrollment fee online through the link provided by admissions at the time of acceptance. Enrollment fees are listed on the application. Once a grade level is full we may offer a wait list.
At Classical Christian School of the Arts, our dedicated admissions team looks forward to partnering with you as you consider CCSA for your family. If you have any questions, please contact Mrs. Hammer at ccsa1118@gmail.com or call 727-547-6820. We look forward to talking with you.
• Birth-certificate of student
• Immunization Records
• All items must be received before application can be processed.
Copyright © 2018 Classical Christian School for the Arts - All Rights Reserved.
Created by Mikaela Williams