6500 102nd Ave N, Pinellas Park, FL 33782, U.S Fax: 727-329-8812
6500 102nd Ave N, Pinellas Park, FL 33782, U.S Fax: 727-329-8812
Take a tour from a Student's Perspective, Jeremy Mazza (11th Grade), of Campus Life at CCSA!
Our admissions policy opens CCSA to families who are like-minded spiritually, who are supportive of our Code of Conduct and standards of education, and whose children meet our enrollment standards. Our purpose is to serve families who desire not simply a private education, but a distinctively Christian education, for their children.
CCSA is not intended to be a facility of rehabilitation where parents enroll their children to address emerging patterns of undesirable behavior. As such, students must exhibit a history of acceptable citizenship in previous school experience.
Available seats are offered first to students whose parents are members of our faculty and staff, and then to new students from existing families, and then opened to families who are new to CCSA. Seats are not reserved for any student until the student is accepted through the application and interview/ assessment process and the non-refundable enrollment fee is paid.
Students who need additional educational support will be evaluated to determine if we believe the services we offer provide the support needed for that student to succeed.
Thank you for waiting patiently as the Parent- Student Handbook loads.....
Copyright © 2018 Classical Christian School for the Arts - All Rights Reserved.
Created by Mikaela Williams